I purchased this original pulp oil painting from Streamline Illustrations at Comic-Con this year. It was painted in 1952 for a pulp novel. I don't know who the artist is or what book it was used on, so if you've seen this before, let me know!
Comic-Con Swag Part 1
When I was at Comic-Con this year I met Jim Smith. Jim co-created Ren & Stimpy with John Kricsfalusi. This one of the layout drawings from "Big House Blues". Footage from that episode was also used for the Ren & Stimpy intro. I got it for $20. I think it was a good deal. I even got a Spumco production folder to boot!
Comic-Con Part 4
Well, I wasn't planning to go to the convention today, but I got sucked in. I'm glad I did. I visited with some old friends and made some new friends. It was pretty freaking crowded today. I don't know if I'll come back next year. I'll have to see if anything comes of the contacts I made this year. Kevin, Max and I are hitting the road back to Austin tomorrow. It'll be nice to get home.
The photo above is for my nieces and nephews.
Comic-Con Part 3
Click the images to find out more info.
Austin Books & Comics Eisner Video
Woohoo! I can finally upload it. Here is the video that Kevin Peake and I did for Austin Books & Comics. We took their mascot, Austin Books Man, and made a Jonny Quest style intro to their informational video for their nomination in the Eisner Awards.
Hope you enjoy it!
Comic-Con Part 2
"Hey, that's nice... that's really nice. I wish I had done something simpler and dramatic like that for my covers" (He's putting out a Lobster Johnson series in the next few months). I know it's not much, but I was pretty psyched to get feedback like that from an artist I admire so much.
It looks like my camera may have disappeared sometime yesterday. I don't know if it's just hiding in my car (I'm searching for it again later) or if a valet made off with it while I was checking in. I'm bummed. It's a great little digital camera. I keep hoping it'll turn up.
*UPDATE*- Woohoo! Found my camera! It was shoved way up under the passenger seat in my car. I have uploaded two photos to celebrate. Click on the photos to read what the hell is going on.
Comic-Con Part 1
We're almost to San Diego. We spent the night in Yuma Arizona and are about to drive the last 3 hours to San Diego. Preview night is tonight and the convention swings in to full force tomorrow.
There were a lot of thunderstorms in the Arizona desert yesterday. Pretty cool stuff. It's been a fun trip so far. We stopped of at "The Thing?" at exit 322 on I-10 in Texas Canyon, Arizona. What is The Thing? Well, you'll have to just experience that yourself. I will say it was worth the $1 admission fee.
Well, my buddy Kevin, his son Max and I are hitting the road today for San Diego! It promises to be a fun road trip. It'll be nice to spend 5 days in a place where I won't be the biggest geek in the room.
I'll try and be good and take pictures and makes updates about the nuttiness that is this thing they call Comic-Con.
Wahine Runner
Scannerized portrait for my friends Steve and Ann. Travis is Ann's son.
My nautical is radical...
Shiny Fortune
So, I was having dinner with my buddy Steve tonight. I was telling him that my resolve was weakening and I was probably going to break down and get an iPhone. This is the fortune I got in my fortune cookie.
That's just wrong.
Manly Art iPhone Wallpapers!
Be the first kid on your block to have a genuine Manly Art wallpaper for your iPhone! Tell your friends! Click HERE to see all 6 wallpapers!