
Betty Pin-Up

Betty Pin-Up
Betty Pin-Up, a photo by Manly Art on Flickr.
Betty's enjoying a little alone time with Stoney Curtis and her best friend on the phone.

This is one of my pieces for the Sooooooo Pop! show I'll be in at the Ft. Worth CAC in March.

Prints available here: manlyart.bigcartel.com/product/betty-pin-up


Boba Fink Print

Boba Fink Print
Boba Fink Print, a photo by Manly Art on Flickr.
The baddest bounty hunter in the galaxy meets the baddest car customizer in the galaxy. That's Boba Fett and Big Daddy Roth, together at last!

Prints are available here: manlyart.bigcartel.com/product/boba-fink-print