Holiday Cards
I hope everyone has a safe holiday and a Happy New Year!
Betty Page 1923-2008
Betty Page passed away a few days ago. Even though she hasn't modeled in decades, it's sad to know she isn't out there somewhere. We'll miss you Betty. Rest in peace.
12 Bars (a baker's dozen, actually)
Well kids, it's that time of year again. If you live in Austin, lock your doors and stay at home the night of December 13th. It promises to be a wild night.
Here's this years t-shirt design. I've decided to continue the fine tradition of portraying my childhood holiday icons in an inebriated state.
The Thrill of Victory/The Agony of Defeat
Hello internet. Have you missed me? I been a bit busy lately. Here's a painting I just finished. It was inspired a by a couple of quick sketches I had done recently. Enjoy!
15"x10" Acrylic on gessoed illustration board
Michael Caine
Had some more down-time at work today, so I popped out another quick drawing. Today's subject: Michael Caine (based on this photo)
Sakura & Pitt brush pens, 0.3 Staedtler pigment liner.
Speed Kills
I was taking a break from programming at work today and knocked out a couple of quick sketches.
Sakura & Pitt brush pens in a Moleskine notebook.
Who Hub
Something for the Ladies...
Lisa and I had our Halloween party last night. It was a blast. I think everybody had a great time. The photo above is by my friend Donna. I was modeling the Star Wars sheets Lisa gave me for my b-day.
You can see more of Donna's party pics here. You can see mine here.
WIP - Dia de los Dragsters Sketch
During my trip to Mexico, I got very inspired by the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) art I saw. I drew this in the resort lobby on a rainy afternoon. I thought it would be funny to do a hotrod bandito. I may have to turn this into a finished piece at some point in time. The guys working at the resort seemed to like it and said it was "¡Mas Macho!".
FYI- Dia de los Muertos is on November 2nd this year.
Back from my trip to Mexico. Took a picture of this little guy at Xel-Ha, south of Playa Del Carmen.
I should be back to posting in the next day or two!
WIP-Space Peril! Color Study
Here's a peak at a quick color study I did in Photoshop for the Space Peril painting I'm working on. Just trying to work out the lighting and basic color scheme.
I'm heading down to Mexico for a little R&R on the beach. I'll be back and posting in a week or so. Until then, I'm signing out. Cheers!
WIP-Space Peril!
This is the preliminary drawing for my next painting. Gotta love hot space ladies in dire peril from alien forces. :)
12" x 17" Pencil on illustration board.
We Need Each Other opening and art...
Click on the images to see them larger and read the descriptions.
Today's Inspiration has had a great series this week on the artists that used to do the covers for the British war comics and paperbacks. It inspired me to do this piece.
Leif Peng does a fantastic job of researching and sharing the work of amazing illustrators whose work you've most likely seen, but never knew anything about. He also collaborates with other illustration enthusiasts to bring us, in my opinion, one of the best blogs about illustration out there.
9" x 12" Ink on Smooth Bristol with digital color.
(click the image to see it larger)
We Need Each Other...
The Oh No! Doom boys put together a rather snazzy promo video for the show that's opening on Saturday. Go check it out. One of my paintings is featured. It's the one in the top right corner. I'll be posting my paintings on Sunday after the opening.
Check out the video here.
We Need Each Other
Here's the flyer for a show I'm in with a ton of other talented artists. The opening is Saturday, October 11 at the Oh No! Doom gallery in Chicago. Hope to see you there!
Witchy Corn on Threadless
Howdy Folks! One of my designs is in the running over at Threadless. Please help me out and go vote! Because everyone needs a spooky shirt for Halloween.
Click here to go vote!
Meet the Gruesomes
The Gruesomes. The Flintstones creepy next door neighbors.
This a painting I did for a Halloween theme art show in Austin, TX. It will be up in Amy's Ice Cream at 6th & Lamar.
15" x 20" acrylic on illustration board
Gruesome Teaser
Here's a teaser from a work-in-progress I'm doing for a Halloween theme show in Austin. The show will go up on October 2nd, and the opening will be the 23rd. I'll post again with more details. (Bonus points if you can figure out what the hell this is from)
*Update*- I added an iPhone wallpaper version of this you can get here.
For our boys flying the not-so-friendly skies.
9"x12" Ink on Bristol w/ Digital Color.
Witchy Corn
Some more Halloween goodness for ya!
9"x12" Ink on Bristol, Digital Color.
Head in a Jar
Drawing I did for a Halloween Party Invite. Woohoo! Halloween is on it's way!
Ink on smooth bristol. Digital color.
Artillery Pin-Up
I did an art trade with my buddy Artillery. I tried to incorporate two of the things he loves: Women and bicycles. Hope you dig it Will! (This is what he did for me.It's rad.)
14"x17" Marker (mostly Copic with a bit of Pitt and Prismacolor in the mix) on Strathmore Smooth Bristol (The colors in the scan are a little too saturated)
The Monarch & Dr. Mrs. the Monarch by Stephen DeStefano
This is a piece I commissioned Stephen DeStafano to do of The Monarch and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch (née Dr. Girlfriend) from The Venture Brothers. Stephen is the art director for the show. Awesome job Stephen. Thanks!
Go check out Stephens blog!
Click on the image for a larger version.
Austin Books Poster
Here's the final poster art for Austin Books 2008 Labor Day Sale.
11"x17" Ink on illustration board, digital coloring and lettering.
Space Dillo!
I really wanted to give it that old comics feel, so, after scanning my inks into Photoshop, I kept my palette pretty limited and set my inks layer slightly transparent to simulate the cheap black ink they used back in the day. It lets the overprint of the colors show through the black. I'll post the filnal poster once it's done. Click on the images to view them larger.
9"x12" Ink on Illustration Board w/ Digital Color
Lost World
So, yeah,... welcome to my daydreams. It's an interesting place to visit.
This is my piece for an art show my buddy Ren put together. The theme is "Only in Dreams". The show will be at Flightpath in Austin. The show is going up July 5th and the opening will be July 12. Go check it out if you're in the Austin area!
10" x 15", Ink on illustration board. Click for a larger version.
Good And Evil
My first painting for a super secret show to be announced later.
Acrylic on wood.
Good & Evil Sketch
Here's the drawing for a painting I'm doing fora super secret show to be announced later.
Ink and digital.
2008 DvA Gallery Gala Tiki Exhibition & Party
Just wanted to let you know/remind you that I will have two pieces in DVA's Tiki show this weekend. The show will be up for a month, but if you can, come to the opening on Saturday the 21st. It's a blast. There will be fantastic Tiki art by very talented artists, Polynesian dancers, live music by the Cocktail Preachers and copious amounts of rum (Voodoo Rum is a sponsor).
Tipsy Tiki
Here's my second painting forDVA Gallery's 4th Annual Tiki Show.
10" x 10", Acrylic on canvas
Friki Tiki
This is one of my two paintings for DVA Gallery's 4th Annual Tiki Show.
18" x 24" Acrylic on canvas
Here's the preliminary drawing for one of the paintings I'll be putting in DVA Gallery's 4th Annual Tiki Show coming up on June 21st.
14"x17" Pencil on paper.
Maddox SunBurst
Here's a little painting I did for self promotional purposes. Oil on canvas, 10"x10".
Wacky Packages
To celebrate 35 years (holy crap) of Topps Wacky Packages stickers, they have put out this awesome collection of art from Series 1-7 in its entirety. It inspired me to set up this shot with some of my Wacky Packages stickers. Yes folks, they still make them and I still have to pick up a few packs every once in a while.
If you were a kid in the 70's, or just like well done gross art and sophomoric humor (who doesn't?), this is the book for you. It's really interesting, Pulitzer Prize winning writer/artist Art Spiegelman (Maus) was a gag writer for Topps for 23 years. Also, the famous pulp artist Norm Saunders regularly did art for Wacky Packages. It's a crazy, wonderful world ain't it?
You can get the book ... here.
Blood Fest 2008
Whoa! What's going on?!?! Jason's posting art on his blog? That's crazy. Sorry things have been so slow lately. I've been working on a bunch of stuff I can't show yet. I think I should have more art to show in the next week or two as I start working on less top secret projects.
Here's this years t-shirt design I did for Blood Fest. Blood Fest is an annual seven's rugby tournament hosted by the Huns RFC in Austin, TX. So, if you're in Austin on June 21st, swing by Zilker Park and enjoy some violence with grace.
Modofly: Spaceman & Derelict Moleskines
I am proud to announce that I have been included in Modofly's first artist series. Two of my designs have been laser etched onto Moleskine notebooks as part of a limited edition series. Hop on over to Modofly and be the first kid on your block to have a cool Manly Art Laser Etched Moleskine!
Rogues Gallery
Holy Cow! I'm finally posting some actual art! These are from a series of images I'll be using for self-promotion and other various and sundry uses. I should start posting a little more regularly in the very near future. I'm switching to a 3 day/ 30 hour week at Motorola so I'll have more time to work on my art. It's been on the back burner for the last 6+ months and it's driving me nuts. It will be nice to get back into it.