
Wayne Newton

Wayne Newton, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

This is my crappy caricature of Wayne Newton. I don't normally do caricatures. This is why.

So, I saw Wayne Newton Saturday night. Live. In Aurora, Illinois. Don't ask me about the strange chain of events that led to me attending said concert. The man is Cheesy, with a capital "C". But, he obviously loves what he does and he can pack the house. I bought a t-shirt.

Fun Fact: The Illinois Wayne Newton fan club calls themselves "The Wayniacs". Needless to say, all 12 of them were female and, well, somewhat past their prime.


CS Jennings said...

wayne newton is the frikkin bomb.

you are the bomb for going to see him.

this caricature is worthy of praise.

janx out

Jason Chalker said...

You are too frikkin kind.

Anonymous said...

I can only think of one reason why you would go to a Wayne Newton concert, and it calls the following question to mind:

What was her name?


Jason Chalker said...

My, my... aren't we astute today?

Her name was Lynn.