
Patton Oswalt...

First off... Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been moving and had a lot of life stuff going on. I should be getting back in the blogging saddle soon. But enough with me... back to the subject at hand...

I was fortunate enough to be on the guest list (along with a bunch of my friends) to see Patton Oswalt last weekend at Cap City Comedy here in Austin. It was such a blast! Since he was recording a CD that night, he was doing all new material. I about hurt myself laughing. Patton is the nicest guy. He hooked us up with free drinks and munchies and hung out with us after the show. Thanks Patton! Also, thanks to Thomas and Melly for getting everything set up. Y'all rock!

And now, a blurry picture of Patton and I...



Oh yeah, well I went to a live Christmas play that had a real camel, so there!

Jason Chalker said...

Cool! Did it spit on you or bite you?