Here's another "Scannerized" portrait I did for Christmas. Bill's wife commissioned this for his Christmas gift.
Grinch Sandwich
You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce. Need I say more?
Happy Holidays everybody!
The Treager's Crazy Christmas
Here's a "Scannerized" portrait commission I just finished for some friends of mine. They're using the image for their Christmas cards this year.
Scanner Puppy...
Here's a "Scannerized" portrait commission for a friend of mine. Isn't he about the cutest thing you've ever seen?
Sloshy the Snowman...
Here's a t-shirt design I just finished for my rugby teams holiday pub crawl. Nothin' expresses the true meaning of Christmas like a drunk snowman.
Scrubs Charlie Brown Christmas...
Austin Sketchy 12-09-2006 Collage
I went to the Dr. Sketchy life drawing group last night. It was pretty cool.
Here's a collage of sketches I was relatively happy with. The poses range from 1 minute to 20 minutes. You can check out the individual drawings here.
Patton Oswalt...
I was fortunate enough to be on the guest list (along with a bunch of my friends) to see Patton Oswalt last weekend at Cap City Comedy here in Austin. It was such a blast! Since he was recording a CD that night, he was doing all new material. I about hurt myself laughing. Patton is the nicest guy. He hooked us up with free drinks and munchies and hung out with us after the show. Thanks Patton! Also, thanks to Thomas and Melly for getting everything set up. Y'all rock!
And now, a blurry picture of Patton and I...