

Zosh iPhone App Icon
Zosh Business Card
Zosh Logo, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.
I know I don't share my design work here very often, but I thought I'd share this. My buddy Josh just presented at Demo last week and not only was the product well received, his presentation got the award for the best pitch. This is the logo, app icon and business card I designed for ABJK NewCo, Inc.'s product Zosh.

They developed a really cool iPhone app that lets you sign pretty much any kind of document and e-mail it so you don't have to use a fax.

If you want to learn more, you can watch his "Demo" pitch here... Demo or you can go to the Zosh website.


Staplers Ripped My Flesh! Print

I had a few prints left after the show. You can buy one here if you want one.


I had a great time at Staple! this year. Thanks to everyone who stopped by my table and came to the live art event. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

I should be back to posting art & stuff in a day or two. I gotta get caught up from being out of town.


Space Age Thrills!

Space Age Thrills!, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.
A new print I worked up today for Staple!. I really like this one. I love creating the pulp style paintings, but I think I enjoy doing the magazine cover layouts almost as much. It kind of completes the painting for me.

This is also available at The Manly Shop.


Staplers Ripped My Flesh!

Staplers Ripped My Flesh! Poster
Here's my self promo poster for Staple! 2010. I should have 15 or so to sell at the event. If I have any left I'll put them in my online store.

Also, here's the painting without all the stuff on it...
Staplers Ripped My Flesh!

Hope to see you at Staple!