
Comic-Con 2009

SDCC09-50, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

If anyone's interested, I posted my photos from Comic-Con here.



Silly me!

Martian, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

I just realized I never finished posting pieces from my show! It's gone really well. Over half of the art has sold. If you're interested, you can check out what's left here. Note: Vader and Tarkin have sold.

Martian- 4.5" x 6" acrylic on illustration board.


Subway [to] Roma

Subway [to] Roma, originally uploaded by manlyartjpc.

Howdy folks! Sorry I haven't been posting for a couple of weeks, but I took a (much needed) two week vacation to Italy. I'm heading to Comic-Con next week, so posts may be a little infrequent until I return. But, I'll make it up to you. I promise!

This was taken in the subway going from the Vatican to the Colosseum.